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Back to the mat January 5, 2007

Posted by yogaspell in Ashtanga, NaYoPracMo, Yoga.

Today I returned to the mat for the first time in months. My wife, Yogamum, and I had a good practice. I cannot say that it was the best practice by any stretch. We only did standing poses with a few more poses added and then finishing. Yogamum was having trouble with her back; I was having a lesson in humility, realizing that how stiff I was despite all my regular exercising. The stiff-white-man moniker fit me like a glove.

But I was so happy to have returned, to breathe into the poses and feel my body stretch. I did a headstand near the wall and the inversion felt so incredibly good. I came down slowly into Urdhva Dandasana and held it for a lot longer than normal. It was a little gift in an otherwise pretty mundane practice, and it reminded me why I love the Ashtanga practice.

It’s good to be back…


1. david byck - February 27, 2007

Hi. Jacqueline here. David Byck has just come out with a new book on yoga, IT’S A LONG WAY TO THE FLOOR. It’s not a “How to” book as much as it explains the affects yoga can have on a person. A real person, that is, not one that wonders around town wearing a white robe and talking to himself. Don’t worry, it’s lighthearted and an easy read.

He’s dropped by your blog and has asked me to contact you and offer you a complementarity copy. More information regarding his book can be found on his website: http://www.davidbyck.com Afterwards, just reply the email i left on your form and I’ll drop one in the mail for you.

Yeah, he makes me do that too!

Oh, what’s the catch? None really. Well, if you our your wife feel like blogging about the book after you’ve read it, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.

Thanks and Namaste

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